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On 10/6/05 our second clutch of Ball Pythons started hatching. This clutch was the result of a Graziani line Cinnamon Male bred to a normal Female. The clutch was laid on 9/13/05 and all though rather late in the season, was definitely welcome.
On Sunday afternoon I was checking the incubator for hatching Leopard Geckos and to my surprise I saw four little Ball Python heads sticking out of the eggs in their incubator box. I was surprised because they weren’t due to hatch until this weekend. I slit open the remaining eggs and out of six eggs I could see four Cinnamons and two normal. Here is a picture of the eggs.
One of them crawled out on Sunday, three of them crawled out on Monday, and this morning when I checked on them the other two were out. Here are the pictures of each one of the Cinnamons.
The odds Gods were definitely on my side in the ratio of Cinnamons to Normal but I wish I had gotten better odds on the sex ratio. I got two Males and two Females but I sure would have liked more Females. LOL
After photographing them I set each one up with it’s own little website so I could update all information on them and have a visual record of the whole breeding process. Here are the links so you can check them out and let me know what you think.
CINPAST05-4I hope you enjoy the pictures.