The Mack Super Snow is a brand new morph of Leopard Gecko created by John and Amy Mack of - Reptiles By Mack. According to John it is the first Co-Dom form of Leopard Gecko. He is basing this on the fact that like the Pastel Jungle phase of Ball Python there is a visible Het phase and a visible Super phase. The Het Phase (heterozygous), of the Mack Super Snow hatches out as a banded black and white Gecko with normal grayish colored eyes. As a baby it very much resembles the regular selectively bred Snow phase Leopard Geckos that are currently on the market. The Super form (homozygous) of the Mack Super Snow hatches out pinkish colored with a distinctive striping down its back and tail with pure black eyes. As hatchlings there is no possible way you cannot distinguish between the two hence John's Co-Dom classification.
I hope you enjoy checking them out.

Here is a picture of the two different hatchling forms of Mack Super Snow's. The black and white banded one is a Mack Co-Dom Snow and the stripe backed one is a Mack Co-Dom Super Snow. These guy's hatched here on 6/27/05. I will have a full picture layout of the development of the Super Snow further on down the page.


Below are pictures of the sub-adult and adult phase. The Super or (homozygous form) start below.
















The heterozygous form are below.









Below are pictures of the eyes.

Here is a picture of a Las Vegas Albino's eye just for a reference.


Here is a picture of one of the Super Snow's heterozygous forms eye. This is the non-super form and the eye looks like a normal Leopard Geckos eye.


Here is the picture of one of the homozygous forms eye. This is the Super form and as you can see the eye is pure black. Under the right kind of lighting you can see the vertical slit of the pupil, but it is impossible to photograph.


Here is another picture of the Super Snow's eye.


Here is a picture of the two different hatchling forms of Super Snow's one hour after they came out of the eggs. Their mother was a Super Snow and their father was a Co-Dom.


Here is a picture of just the Super Snow on 6/27/05, one hour after He came out of the egg.


Here is a picture of the Super Snow on 7/3/05, right after it's first shed. It is already starting to darken.


Here is a picture of the Super Snow on 7/10/05. As you can see, it's color is starting to come in.


Here is a picture of the Super Snow on 7/17/05. The bands are starting to darken and the white coloration is starting to show through.


Here is a picture of the Super Snow on 8/7/05. It is getting more striped and darker in color.


Updated 7/18/06

In the past I have had terrible luck in beating the odds when it comes to trying to hatch out Double Hets (like never with Tremper Albino to Patternless) but this year I finally beat them. Today while checking the incubators I found my very first Tremper Albino Mack Super Snow.

Here are a couple of pictures of her.

Albino Super Snow

Here is a close-up of her head to show the eye color.

Here is another one.

This last one is the same picture as above but cropped on just the eye. You can really see the red coloration of it in this one.

I will update this as she grows to see her development.

To be continued.

Pricing 2005

I should have Geckos available starting in the spring of 2005. Please Contact me if you would like to be put on the waiting list or our mailing list.

The Super form with the pure black eyes - (homozygous form)

The Het form with the gray normal eye's - (heterozygous form).

Double Het's

Double Het for Tremper Albino Super Snow's.
My Super Male Bred to Tremper Albino Females will produce Double Het for Albino Super Snow's. When the double Het's are bred together they can produce Albino Super Snow's, Super Snow's Het for Albino, Albino's Het for Super Snow, Double Het for Albino Super Snow's, Super Snow's, Het for Super Snow's, Albino's, Het for Albino's, possible Het for Albino's and normal Leopard Geckos.

Double Het for Las Vegas Albino Super Snow's
My Super Male Bred to Las Vegas Albino Females will produce Double Het for Albino Super Snow's. When the double Het's are bred together they can produce Albino Super Snow's, Super Snow's Het for Albino, Albino's Het for Super Snow, Double Het for Albino Super Snow's, Super Snow's, Het for Super Snow's, Albino's, Het for Albino's, possible Het for Albino's and normal Leopard Geckos.

Double Het for Paternless Super Snow's
My Super Male Bred to Paternless Females will produce Double Het for Paternless Super Snow's. When the double Het's are bred together they can produce Paternless Super Snow's, Super Snow's Het for Paternless, Paternless Het for Super Snow, Double Het for Paternless Super Snow's, Super Snow's, Het for Super Snow's, Paternless, Het for Paternless, possible Het for Paternless and normal Leopard Geckos.

Double Het for Blizzard Super Snow's
My Super Male Bred to Blizzard Females will produce Double Het for Blizzard Super Snow's. When the double Het's are bred together they can produce Blizzard Super Snow's, Super Snow's Het for Blizzard, Blizzard's Het for Super Snow, Double Het for Blizzard Super Snow's, Super Snow's, Het for Super Snow's, Blizzard's, Het for Blizzard's, possible Het for Blizzard's and normal Leopard Geckos.